
Wednesday, May 30, 2012

We can Hitch Hike to Maine!

  Hey everyone!  Tis Carolyn, and Makenna is sitting right to my left!  {{Isn't that contradicting, right to my left?! :O}}  We know it's kind of late, but it's okay.  We're just LEGIT like that!  No, I hate the overuse of the word legit.  In fact, Makenna and I laugh in the face of legitness!  Okay, maybe it's a wee bit too late to be writing a blog post, because this is becoming quite awkward.


  So, today was our LAST DAY OF SCHOOL FOR THE YEAR!  HALLELUJAH!  <3  So, I had Makenna over!  :D  So, what have we done?  WELL LET ME JUST TELL YOU!

We LAUGHED at this picture.  Maybe a little too much, but we did! 

  Makenna and I got home from school and decided to make a music video!  To what song, you ask?  DAYLIGHT BY MATT AND KIM!  :D  So, we filmed that for a LONG time . . . maybe two hours?  More?  XD  Not sure, but it was SO fun!  I hope I can post it sometime, but I can't as of right now. :(  OH WELL.  XD  We're still editing it as we speak.  :]

Oh, and here's Poo Puff, Makenna's stuffy.  We titled this photo, "High Fashion".  XD

  So, we're having lotsandlotsandlots of fun.  :D  Not sure what else to say . . . OH!  Well, now YESTERDAY was our last day of school, technically, because it's MIDNIGHT!  MWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! . . . HA!

  Okay. So.  Bai.

~Carolyn {and kind of Makenna}